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The Return of Cinematic Witches



Witches have never been as present as they are today, and film offers a window into their excesses. These witches have always been strong independent women, whose autonomy has made them suspicious. Both objects of desire and vampires, these femme fatales were christened Vamps in the early days of film. With the power of cinematic aura mixed with black magic, Vamps were the first witches of film.

We wanted to make them all dance together in a devilish medley: Alice Guy, Louise Brooks, Germaine Dulac, Clara Bow, Mary Pickford, Ida Lupino, Maya Deren, Carole Roussopoulos, Delphine Seyrig, Chantal Akerman, Kim O’Bomsawin, Anne Claire Poirier, Micheline Lanctot, Barbara Loden, Claire Denis and Béatrice Dalle. In front or behind the camera, they have cast an invisible thread on the history of motion pictures with their bewitching films. Women who wanted and knew how to create independently. Powerful women, whose recognition has become increasingly relevant.

To begin this long road, we chose recent works that present portraits of notable and unforgettable contemporary witches. Characters who question their societies, be they medieval: The Juniper Tree(1990), timeless: Porcos Raivosos(2012) (Short), or cruelly contemporary: Kindil El Bahr(2016) (Short), The World Is Full of Secrets(2018), Orléans (2012), A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night(2014) and Trouble Every Day(2001). In these films, we find the energy of a struggle that is never finished being fought for.

Trouble every day: September 13th, 19h00, Conservatoire d'art dramatique - Théâtre
Kindil El Bahr: September 13th, 21h30, Enap
Orléans: September 13th, 21h30, Enap
Porcos Raivosos : September 14th, 13h00, Conservatoire d'art dramatique - Théâtre
Quand nous étions sorcières : September 14th, 13h00, Conservatoire d'art dramatique - Théâtre
Vever (For Barbara) : September 14th, 15h30, Conservatoire d'art dramatique - Théâtre
The World is full of secrets : September 14th, 15h30, Conservatoire d'art dramatique - Théâtre
A Girl Walks Home at Night : September 14th, 19h00, Enap
Cilaos : September 14th, 19h00, Enap
Meshes of the Afternoon : September 15th, 13h00, Enap
Suspiria : September 15th, 13h00, Enap