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Zero Impunity
Nicolas & Stéphane Blies , Denis LambertDuration
93 MIN
English, Arabic, Ukrainian, French
France, Luxembourg
For centuries victims of sexual war crimes have experienced abuses
and its devastating consequences, yet very few have had the courage
or the support to break the centuries-old silence and speak up. Zero Impunity offers a voice to victims across the globe, including Syria and Ukraine, as well as on the African continent and in the US. Zero Impunity is an important and necessary eye-opening scream, raising awareness and outrage. A film about life, love, and humanity.
With the support of Consulat Général de France à Québec

Nicolas & Stéphane Blies
Brothers Nicolas Blies (born in 1981) and Stéphane Hueber-Blies (born in 1976)are French authors and a filmmaking duo. They write (Arte’s Soundhunters), produce and direct their films together. Zero Impunity (2018) is their first feature film. They develop social impact filmsmixing the traditional world of cinema with that of new media exploring themes such as as sexual violence in wartime (Zero Impunity), feminicide or exclusion.

Denis Lambert
Though he originally trained as an illustrator, Denis Lambert has been working in animation since 1995. He started as a color designer,
then moved on to working on layouts and then, subsequently, to storyboards. In recent years, he worked on Pinocchio by Enzo D'Alo with illustrations by Mattoti. At Studio 352, he has supervised storyboards and layouts for films including Ari Folman’s The Congress, Tomm Moore’s Song of the Sea, Nora Twomey’s The Breadwinner and Roger Mainwood’s Ethel and Ernest.
Original Title
Zero Impunity