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And Those Who Dance it Surrender Their Hearts to Each Other
Cody EdisonDuration
42 MIN
English, Spanish
United States

This film is a musical journey in New Mexico with young musicians, Lone Piñon, who are preserving and sharing traditional string band music of the southwest. Through relationship with elders, study of field recordings, and connections to parallel traditional music and dance revitalization movements in the U.S. and Mexico, they have brought the language of New Mexico traditional music and related regional traditions back onto the modern stage, back onto dance floors, and back into the ears of a young generation.

Cody Edison
Cody Edison is an artist based in Los Angeles, California. He works with video and photography to explore American issues: home, community, rural culture, racial & gender equality, and Earth’s climate crisis. He documents stories of identity and under-recognized histories of injustice to provoke conversation about the United States past and its future.
Recently Edison’s new film And Those Who Dance it Surrender Their Hearts to Each Other (2018) received the Best Documentary Feature Award from the Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival in Louisiana.
Piñon Lone
Original Title
And Those Who Dance it Surrender Their Hearts to Each Other